Books by Brandy Alexander

Genesis: A Paranormal Alliance Destined to Fight the powers of Darknesss

Mix the TV shows Supernatural, Ghosts and Touched by an Angel… add a unique plot…and you will get Genesis.

An Epic Fiction Thriller, filled with Mystery, Adventure, Comedy, and Just a Touch of Love!

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Clayton is an interesting man with an even more interesting gift…the ability to talk to ghosts. But life wasn’t always so strange for Clay.  After his older brother dies while saving him from drowning beneath the broken ice, 12-year-old Clayton York awakens to discover he can communicate with his brother’s spirit.  His unique relationship with his ghost brother is a strange source of comfort to him as he grows up and learns to hone his gift.  His supernatural ability to see earthbound spirits makes life difficult, but living with them can be a real trial. Along with the unusual group of wise-cracking friends he now lives with in Las Vegas, NV, Clay must unravel a peculiar string of violent behavior and murders involving the occult.  Can they figure out how to stop demons from destroying the world as they know it?  Racing against the clock to save humanity, Clay follows a path of self-discovery as he finds out what having true Faith really means. Clayton is drawn into an unlikely alliance with non-corporeal friends, spirits, angels and priests destined to fight the powers of darkness before all Hell breaks loose. 

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, when we cry, when we kiss, when we dream: because the most beautiful things in our life are not seen but felt only by the heart.       -unknown

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4 thoughts on “Books by Brandy Alexander

  1. Can’t wait to hear from everyone!!


  2. Love your 1st book, cannot wait for the second book. ALWAYS

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very entertaining book! The suspense kept me turning the pages quickly, and the humor was a great contrast to the intensity. I highly Recommend this book.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thanks for finally writing about > Brandy Alexander Books – Follow your imagination; it
    can take you anywhere! < Loved it!


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